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Top 5 Benefits Of Using Shopify

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When you enter the big world of eCommerce you’re faced with dozens of shopping cart platforms that promise you great results for your store: OpenCart, Magento, WordPress, PrestaShop, Shopify – the list is endless.

In today’s blog post, we’re going to explore the benefits of using Shopify for your online shop. 

Shopify is designed to help users with little-to-no coding experience set up and run their own online store. With Shopify, you can create beautiful online stores to suit your needs. 

If you’re thinking of setting up your own online store but don’t know where to start, here are five reasons why you should consider using Shopify to build your online retail empire. 

Shopify is easy and quick to set up

Not everybody is as tech-savvy as the next and some people find it difficult to understand how things work on a computer, let alone how to set up an online store. Many entrepreneurs don’t want to set up an eCommerce store for fear of it being too difficult for them to build and maintain due to their lack of knowledge in the area. 

This is where Shopify comes in handy. It provides you with a way to create your eCommerce store without having to understand coding at all. You don’t need to worry about organizing servers and hosting the website as Shopify does it all for you. All you need to create your online store are your products and the name of your business.

There are so many tutorials online, including on Shopify’s website, to teach you how to put together your own eCommerce store. By the end of the afternoon, you’ll know exactly how to create your site using Shopify. It will only take you a few minutes to begin setting up your online store and get you moving in the online market space. 

You just register an account with Shopify and head over to your URL to start creating your customizable store. Once you’ve uploaded all your products to the platform you’re free to edit as you please. You can upload product images, edit product descriptions and design exactly how you want your store to appear with custom color schemes. 

Managing your Shopify account is just as simple and you can offer discounts, manage transactions and track any orders that go out. Shopify can take care of everything you need to run a shop successfully in the online marketplace. 

Shopify is secure and reliable

What makes Shopify so attractive as an eCommerce platform is its security and its reliability. The security of an owner’s online store is sure to keep them awake at night as nobody wants to wake up to the news that their online store has been hacked. There is so much information stored on your online store and this isn’t just your own private information but all of your client’s information as well. 

This is why security and reliability are critical to any form of success and Shopify has you covered from this angle. It has a strong security system along with reliable hosting that is offered to many online retailers. 

Some owners will see security and reliability as unimportant and step around it to get the cheapest gateway into the online marketplace but this is a mistake. Security and reliability is a major issue for online shoppers. It will make your shop unreliable and untrustworthy to your clients and put your information in danger. 

Having security and reliability issues tackled from the beginning will make it easier for you to grow your business without having to worry, and more importantly, without your customers having to worry. Your customers need to have trust in your store and provide them with safe security or they won’t feel comfortable handing over their credit card information to pay for your product. 

Shopify is mobile responsive

Most people shop from their phones or tablets now and it’s left web designers with no choice but to make their websites more mobile-friendly – and this goes for online stores too. 

If your online store isn’t mobile accessible then that’s a high percentage of customers you just lost. People don’t want to switch on their desktop or laptop to use your store, they’d prefer to do it in the palm of their hand. If your website isn’t up to scratch your customers will go elsewhere for their products. 

Having a mobile-friendly site improves customer experience, which will in turn increase your sales. If a customer is happy with your site then they’ll come back. People like things done easy and having a mobile-friendly store makes it simple for them. 

Shopify takes care of this for you with their automatic updates. They’ll take care of all the technical aspects of your online store and just leave you with the task of selling your product. 

Shopify offers easy to use payment gateways

You don’t just want a secure website, you want to have a secure payment gateway as well. The best payment gateway allows your customers to pay using a variety of different payment options which will increase the number of customers you receive.

This can be an issue if you’re hosting your site yourself but if you’re using Shopify it’s no problem at all. 

Shopify takes care of this for you. The platform easily integrates with all major payment gateways like Stripe and PayPal, as well as offering their own Shopify Payments. 

This offers flexibility to your customers – which makes them feel more comfortable about buying from you. 

Shopify has 24/7 customer support

What makes Shopify such a great choice when starting your online store is its customer support. Shopify can deal with any of your issues, at any time of day. If you have a question they’re ready to answer it at a moment’s notice. They also supply numerous videos on how you can get started with your store and how to fix any problems or troubleshoot. 

We hope our top five benefits of using Shopify helped you figure out if it’s the shopping cart platform you’d like to use. If you’re still confused or if you have any questions why not complete the form below or click here to contact us!

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