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Does Your Website Have Clear CTA

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When visitors are on your website, is it clear to them what they should do next? If so, does this match what you want them to do next in terms of meeting your targets? Here we explore how having a clear call-to-action is imperative for both the user experience and from a business perspective.

What is a Call-to-Action?

A call-to-action is something specific that is directed to be completed. For example, having a very obvious and prominent sign-up form on your website is a call-to-action for website visitors to sign-up to your mailing list. Having a lightbox/popup appear with a discount code and a link to your online shop is a call-to-action to improve both the click-through rate to your online shop and also sales made through it. So in essence, a call-to-action comprises the nudges and directions that you give to your website visitors to reach your end goal(s) from a business perspective.

How this Affects the User Experience

Having a clear call-to-action is important so that visitors to your website can fulfill their needs. They came to your website for a reason (e.g. to book a spa treatment) and they are hoping that your website can point them in the right direction to fulfill their particular need(s). Therefore your spa treatment website should include an easily visible and easily accessible online booking feature so that people can book treatments directly on your website. In the absence of this, a microcopy should be used to accompany your phone number in the header with this call-to-action “Call us on 012345678 to Book a Spa Treatment”. With this, visitors know that calling your business will fulfill their needs and meet their goals; it will not waste their time and detract from their goals.

How this Affects the Business Experience

An unclear call-to-action can be a source of frustration for businesses. You might have (in your opinion) an excellent sales and marketing strategy in place but find that you are not getting the predicted conversions or reaching goals and targets. The cause of this could be that your website and content are not giving those who interact with it clear instructions in the form of a call-to-action. Having a well-designed landing page that features your contact number is not as effective as a landing page which states “Call us on 012345678 to register your interest and receive a FREE sample in the post!”

The expert team at Ireland Website Design can help you to develop and implement a clear and appropriate call-to-action for your website. Our work drives sales to your business. Click/Tap here to get a quote.

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