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3 Basic Web Design Principles To Be Aware Of

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While most businesses will want a bespoke and unique website to separate themselves from the competition; basic web design principles should still be present. Here we explain to you what these are and why all good website designers should incorporate these three into your web design.

Basic Principle 1: Usability

Often in website design, the basic notion of end-user usability can become forgotten about. Those looking to revolutionize the wheel can forget that the eventual visitors to your website may not be as ahead of the curve as your website design is. Eschewing basic and universal elements such as headers, footers, and menus, etc. in favor of something totally different can result in a beautiful-looking website that has appalling bad usability. This is known as the user experience and is paramount to see your website retain proper function and visitors. A good website designer will be able to distill your idea(s) into a usable and functional website user experience-driven website.

Basic Principle 2: Responsiveness

Every element of your website should work how it is intended to work. It is very infuriating for any user to click/tap on a link or icon only to find that it does not work or does not take them to their desired content etc. If something exists within your finished website design, it is imperative that this responds and works for those looking to interact with it (i.e. your website visitors). Of course, when talking of responsiveness, we cannot neglect to mention that of mobile responsiveness. Every good website designer should build your website to be a mobile responsive full stop. The day and age of separate desktop and mobile versions of business websites is fast coming to a close.

Basic Principle 3: Speed

A crucial element and deciding factor that can influence your website hits, conversions, and bounce rates is that of website speed. Lightning-fast speeds can be difficult to obtain and sustain, but your website should have acceptably swift loading times. Therefore pages, links, icons, images, and videos should all load in a matter of seconds without keeping those browsing on your website waiting. Yes, the likes of available internet speeds are out of your control, but optimizing your content and having your website on the correct type of server is something that you can control. A good website designer will not only guide you on this, but they should also be able to action most of it for you.

Here at Ireland Website Design, we not only incorporate the basic principles into your website design, but we also ensure to go that extra mile so that you stand out from the crowd for all the right reasons. Our work drives sales to your business.

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