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How Copy Writing Can Slow Down Your Web Design

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There are many different parts involved with getting a website developed, but we have seen time and time again that copywriting (or a lack thereof) can slow the entire process down. Here we show you three examples as to why you need your copywriting ready for your design to proceed.

1. Page Layouts

Your web designer(s) can create the basic framework and layout of each of your web pages, but they cannot finalize this until they know what text will adorn each of the pages. This is because the likes of images, designs, and the text size and formatting will all affect the finished website in terms of layout and placement. Strictly speaking, your web pages cannot be deemed as complete until the text is ready for them.

2. SEO

It is best practice to have a minimum of three-hundred words per webpage in order for the said webpage to have the best chances when it comes to ranking online. If yours is a good web designer, they will want your entire website to achieve this and therefore should stipulate this minimum word count per page. To assist with achieving this word count, you could avail of the services of a professional copywriter (available here at Ireland Website Design) to complete this task by a set deadline. This ensures that the web design is not stalled.

3. Meta Descriptions

As part of putting your website online, it needs custom and unique URLs and meta descriptions to appear on SERPs. Without having any or a sufficient amount of copywriting complete for the website, your web designer will not be able to complete this crucial SERP step. This delays the launch of your website as if it was put live online without completed meta descriptions et al, Google would not be sure how to categorize the website and therefore would not be clear on what types of visitor traffic to direct to it.

Contact the expert team at Ireland Website Design for all of your web design and online marketing needs. Our expert team includes copywriters who can be utilized as a part of your website design project with us to keep things on schedule and avoid avoidable delays. Our work drives sales to your business.

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