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Plotting Your Website Real Estate

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I always think of websites as being like pieces of real estate online. In the arguably overcrowded marketplace that is the world wide web; business websites obviously want to stand out from the crowd. Here I take a look at how to make the most of your online real estate space – your website.

Begin with the Exterior – Meta Description

This snippet of text is crucial to parlay a first impression. Imagine this as your front garden, you ideally want a nice and neat presentation uncluttered by weeds and rubbish. To achieve this, keep your heading direct and to the point. The URL in the meta description should act as a welcome mat and be welcoming. Something along the lines of ‘www.website.com/12/34x/home_page/enter-ok#’ looks confusing and unwelcoming whereas ‘www.website.com/home’ is welcoming in that it does not raise any red flags. Lastly, then the actual description of the webpage should entice potential visitors by offering the relevant information and possibly even a call-to-action if appropriate.

Make Yourself at Home – Header Content

The first thing that website visitors will see when they click/tap into your website is whatever occupies the header area. Keep this in mind and utilize this space properly. If it is entirely filled with your business name and/or logo, it is not being used properly (visitors to your website most likely arrived via a URL containing your business name; they already know what you are called). Keep an appropriately sized logo in the header area, but make sure to include text and images that arrest the attention of those who view it. Information on sales and offers can work well here as well as testimonials or awards won. The first things that viewers see from their first impressions of your website and business.

Exit on Good Terms – Forms

Well-designed and user-friendly forms can act as a parting gift for your website visitors. Forms refer to contact forms or sign-up forms for example. If someone fills one of these out during their visit to your website, they open up the possibility for you to contact them with further details, news, and offers. In this way, after they close the door to your website and exit, a return visit is encouraged and facilitated. Good forms that encourage visitors to use them convert website visitors into warm leads.

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