
Last Updated

Should You Revisit Blog Content

Last Updated

As time passes, things obviously change and grow. This is the same for your blog content. What you write and publish today may be less relevant or even obsolete in one month’s time. This poses the question as to if you should revisit and revamp blog content that has become dated.

Arguments For:

Updating past blogs means that the information on your website is constantly up to date and therefore relevant to today. This means that if a visitor enters your website via an older blog post, they are receiving a good first impression that your website is providing them with current and up-to-date information. Adding and updating content regularly on your website also shows Google that your website is alive and actively adding fresh content to it. This goes a long way to showing Google that your website is worth directing traffic to, thus helping your website gain visitors. If you take this route, you may feel that your blog should be renamed to be more appropriate. Read our blog entry ‘When is a Blog not a Blog?’ by clicking here.

Arguments Against:

Updating past blogs is a very time consuming and effort-driven task. Not only will many entries have to be revisited and edited one by one; but research into their chosen topics will have to be completed to present the most up to date information. For those who are looking to research a past topic or study how something was in the past, they need dated information available to them. This is akin to studying history as the saying goes that you can’t rewrite history – what happened in the past should remain in the past. If you take this route, it may be a good idea to have the date of publication with each of these blogs to show what timeframe the content is applicable to.

Depending on particular business, you may feel for or against updating your blog content. Contact the experts at Ireland Website Design if you need advice or guidance along these lines. Our work drives sales to your business.

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