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What Device is Used at What Time of Day

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During a twenty-four-hour day, it is not uncommon for us to switch between devices to access the internet. This may take the form of a combination of mobile, desktop, tablet, games consoles, or even smart TV devices. Knowing this, it makes sense for marketers to target different devices at different times of the day.

6:00 am – 9:00 am, Mornings on the Move

For most of us, work starts in the morning and so one would not often fit in much before the start of a shift. In a similar vein, parents getting their children ready for and then bringing them to school are focused on the task at hand. Knowing this, any internet access that may happen in the morning time (such as reading news and headlines or checking public transport timetables) will most likely take place on a mobile device such as a phone or tablet. There is little time (and no real need) to boot up a more fixed desktop-based device to source this quick information.

9:00 am – 6:00 pm, Chained to the Computer

The working hours often consist of computer work – especially in office environments. But desktop devices arguably penetrate many industries and sectors such as education, reservations, bookings, and more. Desktop devices offer a more solid and structured working experience and are therefore favored and used throughout the working day. While tablet users may be on the rise, they still have a way to go to meet the robust processing power of a desktop device.

6:00 pm – 11:00 pm, Wind down without Wires

After work then, the desktops can be powered off for the day. People will use their mobile devices to entertain themselves on their public transport journey home. Once home, it is much easier to curl up on the sofa with a mobile phone or tablet to catch up on all of the latest social media updates, etc. This is also the timeframe whereby smart TVs and game consoles see chunks of usage as time allows for it.

As you can see from above, the average working person has obvious reasons to switch between devices for large chunks of their day. Knowing this, online marketers should opt to target them and their corresponding devices accordingly. For example, if you are thinking to send a newsletter that is full of graphics and imagery promoting a clothing sale; this would be better viewed and digested on a desktop device so why not send it during working hours for those who have their personal e-mail on these devices to view.

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