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3 Ux Elements that Affect Online Marketers

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The crossover between your business website and online marketing can be felt in terms of Ux (the user experience). There are elements of website design that marketers should understand in that they can have a negative impact on making conversions. We explore three here.

1. Streamline Sign-Up Forms

Sign-up forms which request a lot of information from your website visitors are downright daunting. Websites seeking excess personal information can be off-putting in that many potential customers may not want to part with masses of their personal information to simply contact you or sign-up for your newsletter. Combat this with a simplified and streamlined sign-up form. For those simply signing up for your newsletter, their e-mail and name will suffice for example.

2. Tease Out Text with Microcopy

What is known as microcopy can greatly help visitors to your website as part of their user experience. Microcopy is small snippets/lines of text that are used to buttress elements of your website. With sign-up forms, for example, a microcopy may be used to explain why the form is looking for your name (“we personalize our newsletter content for each of our subscribers”). Microcopy can be used across your website where appropriate to quell any confusion or concerns that your website visitors may have about certain elements. As it is text, microcopy can also help with your word counts and SEO score per page.

3. Eliminate Lofty Loading Times

When a website fails to load in a speedy manner, users may get annoyed and go back to the SERP and choose another option instead. Even if your initial home page/landing page loads swiftly but elements within it start to lag (such as videos, links, etc.), this can also be a cause for visitors to leave. This is because those browsing online have become accustomed to getting their desired content to load on their desktop or mobile devices lightning-fast. Think of how broadband providers now offer unlimited broadband and speeds, 3G progressing to 4G, etc. Therefore a slow response from your website is a negative Ux trait that can have a negative impact on making conversions. Consider compression or a dedicated server to increase your site speeds.

As you can see from above, the design of your website and the effect it can have on those who use it (i.e. the Ux) can have a negative impact on making conversions in some instances. It is important for online marketers to understand this to reach their online targets. If you need any help or guidance with this, contact the expert team at Ireland Website Design to have your website audited and optimized.


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