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How your Website Design (Ux) can Impact your Website SEO

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You may not think there is a link between how your website is designed and presented for the user experience (Ux) and your website SEO, but there is. A bad Ux can reflect in a bad SEO score while a good Ux can have the opposite effect. Here we explain why.

What is the User Experience (Ux)?

The user experience (Ux) is the experience that those who visit your website well, experience. Whether this is a good or bad experience depends on how well your website is designed. Namely, when they arrive on your website does it load for them in a timely fashion and present to them the information and content that they need/want? Is your website mobile responsive? Can you click/tap to contact your business through your website? Details such as these affect the Ux in either a positive or negative manner. A/B testing is a great way to establish a positive Ux for your website visitors.

How can a Good Ux Affect my Website’s SEO?

A good Ux can equate to good statistics and analytics. If a visitor arrives on your website and has a good first impression of it, they are more likely to stay and look around. In a similar vein, they may visit multiple pages and then go on to contact you through your website (such as through a contact form or clicking/tapping to call). In this instance, their visit to your website may result in a conversion which is of course a positive thing. With all of these positive attributes, Google can see that yours is a website worth visiting as those who do visit it stay on it (do not bounce) and may browse multiple pages before eventually contacting you. These positive traits can equate to a more positive SEO score and position.

How can a Bad Ux Affect my Website’s SEO?

This paragraph will read as an opposite to the last one. Those who visit your website and do not see what they want/need to see in a timely fashion (perhaps due to slow load times or the incorrect/undesired content being displayed) will most likely leave your website. This will result in a bounce and a high bounce rate is a red flag to Google. Why? Because if Google sees that visitors rarely stay on your website, it may assume that your visitors bounce because your website information is tagged incorrectly or possibly even out of date. As those who browse online are akin to Google’s customers, why would Google want to send their customers to a website with possibly incorrect and outdated information? As you can gather, these aspects can have a negative impact on your website’s SEO score and position.

If you think your website could have a better Ux (and therefore a better SEO performance), contact the expert team at Ireland Website Design. Our work drives sales to your business.

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