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The Stress Free Christmas Website Maintenance Blog

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Your well-deserved break from the office over the Christmas period should be stress-free and relaxing. However, we can be guilty of letting workplace thoughts creep into our minds when we are out of a working routine. Don’t let your website be one of them by using these tips.

Backup Your Website

This is a basic task that has huge benefits for your company. If you back up your website today (i.e. take 22nd December as an example) and next Monday (26th December), your website goes down while you are out of the office; it can be restored from the backup you made today (22nd December). Therefore your entire website is reset as such back to the time of your last backup. This means that you will lose any new content or changes that went live after the 22nd, but your website will be restored back to a time where it was working properly again. Apart from the Christmas period, you should take regular backups of your website as habitual maintenance. Contact us here at Ireland Website Design if you would like us to look after this for you.

Schedule New Content

Most website builders and CMS allow backend users to schedule when new content will publish live to your website. With this, you can create blog posts before you are due to finish up for Christmas and schedule these to go live while you are out of the office. This technique can also be used for FaceBook posts too. When you do this, you set up your website so that fresh content is added to it even when you are not there to manually publish it. This keeps your SEO efforts afloat and also shows your customers and visitors that your website (and therefore by extension your business) is looked after and attended to all year round. This image bodes well from a customer services point of view.

Know Who to Contact

As long as your plugins and anti-virus/malware are up-to-date, it is unlikely that your website will go down over the Christmas period. One way in which your website could be compromised is if a particularly nasty hack occurs, but again this is unlikely. However, to be sure, get in touch with your website designer to ask then what to do in the instance that your website goes down – or if you arrive back to the office after the Christmas break and find that it has been compromised. If your website was designed by an agency or a company, know who to contact and make sure you have a contact name. This is all worst-case scenario, but it minimizes the amount of time your website is offline if you know directly how to fix it or failing that, who to specifically contact who can fix it.

By taking these three steps you effectively safeguard your website and your interests over the Christmas period. This means that over the Christmas break your website remains active and on the unlikely chance that it does go down/offline; you know who to contact to get it back live as soon as possible. If you would rather outsource all of the maintenance of this all year round to not have to give your website a second thought; contact the expert team here at Ireland Website Design to enquire about your website support options.

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