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How to Make your Website Feel More Human

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Website visitors will respond better to a website that has a tangible human feel and organic touch. Here we show you ways to implement this.

You may have heard in the news recently how AI chatbots (artificially intelligent chat robots) have increased in technical proficiency to offer a very real feeling chat experience between robot and human online. The reason this came into effect is due to the fact that real people tend to respond better when dealing with other real people. Think of how nine times out of ten you look to speak to the operator instead of cycling through seemingly endless “press 1 for accounts, press 2 for opening times . . .” automated options on phone calls. Your website can foster this real and human feeling too by adopting these below traits.

Highlight Your Team

Having visible photographs of your team members on your website helps to put a face(s) to the name of your business. Potential customers may feel hesitant to book in for a spa treatment without first seeing who will be treating them. Having a warm friendly face alongside a succinct biography for each staff member can go a long way towards combatting this. These human elements can also be used as ice-breakers and as tidbits that your clients can relate to when interacting with your staff “I really like the earrings in your picture on the website” or “I read on your website that you like to surf, I love surfing too!” etc.

Humanize Stock Imagery

Replace the imagery on your website with that of real people and elements as opposed to computer-generated graphics where possible. Having images set in reality are much more relatable than the pristine and polished images of the perfect scenario generated by computers. To put this into perspective, the website for a pet shop would be better off using images of real cats as opposed to graphics of cats when trying to appeal to cat owners to purchase relevant items such as treats and toys.

Let the Truth Prevail

If you stay true to the words of your mission and vision statements and strive to constantly deliver good products and services to your customers; let this fact shine through on your website. Pepper each page with client testimonials and survey scores such as how many customers would recommend you to their friends and family (also known as your net promoter score). If you have received any awards and/or honorable mentions, don’t be afraid to highlight this within your news or blog section too.

As you can see from above, some tweaks to your website design and approach can make all the difference. The expert team at Ireland Website Design can assist you with making your website a powerful vehicle to drive sales to your business as our team consists of professional website designers, copywriters, and online branding and marketing specialists. Get in touch with us today to finally reach your online aims and goals.

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