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Using Data and Research to Compile a Business Persona

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Take the time to create personas of your ideal customers using data and research to establish your target audience(s).

Using Data

Whatever way you look at it, every business has some data on file as to the type of people that form their customer base. Something as simple as noticing that 75% of your customers purchase from your online shop after 9:00 pm shows that your website may be visited in the evening times when people are unwinding after work. Yet if the details of these customers show that they are mostly under the age of eighteen, you could assume that they don’t yet have jobs so perhaps your products are popular with students. A great way of obtaining data is to send out surveys and collate the responses. This can show you the ages, marital status, and genders of your customers for example. You should also take note of the timestamp of when the surveys are completed as this shows you what time of day that your customers are active online.


As we know, research is mostly carried out online today and with instant access to articles, survey results, and studies; it is little wonder why. Look up the products and/or services that you are offering and read articles about who is buying and using these. If you are selling battery packs for mobile phones, you may come across an article that shows how hikers and mountaineers rely on these for their excursions. Research and collate the profiles of those who already avail of your service offerings. This will immensely help you in knowing who to target and establishing what content is best suited to target them with.

Compiling the Personas

Combine the fruits of your labor of analyzing your internal data and consulting external sources to start creating the personas of those who use your business. You may find that females over the age of fifty who are married and browse online most mornings make up the largest portion of your customers. With this, you know exactly who you need to target your products to, when is the best time to do this, and can embark on further research to see what is the best marketing method to use to advertise to them.

Personas, target audiences, and demographics are all of vital importance in ensuring that your content reaches your intended customers. The expert digital and online marketing team at Ireland Website Design can create specific and focused campaigns for you to target these effectively. Our work as a digital agency drives sales to your business.

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