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How to Market to Millennials Online

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Remember these three points to the market to millennials online so that they interact with as opposed to disengaging with your business and brand.

1. Millennials Need Products and Services

This is to say that they need products and services as opposed to more friends or brands trying to be their friends. Yes, many a brand and businesses are guilty of artificially altering their approach to try and target millennials. This can involve the likes of using language and buzzwords that millennials are perceived to respond to, using imagery of current affairs and trends, and even inventing characters that can come across as mildly offensive caricatures or stereotyping. But brands forget that when millennials come into contact with advertising, they are not looking to make new friends. Like the rest of us, they too purchase and require products and services that have a strong brand image and will fulfill a need for them. Focus on the latter rather than the former – treat your customers as people and not commodities.

2. Millennials Seem to Like Video Content

We live in the age of vloggers and viral videos and millennials have undoubtedly helped bring these aspects to prominence. Charting the paradigm shift from the majority text and picture content of platforms such as Bebo and MySpace to the more prevalent video content as seen on YouTube, Vine, and Periscope; millennials have led the way as users of these more video-driven platforms. Snapchat in particular thrives on offering curated video content to its large millennial user base featuring external brands’ content that expires and changes every twenty-four hours. Videos are engaging, easy to share, and captivating to appeal to many interests – all aspects which bode well with millennials.  

3. Millennials are Social Creatures

When it comes to choosing your methods for advertising to and targeting millennials, bear in mind that social standing will be a big influence. Adept in social media, they will respond well to positive testimonials, recommendations, and word-of-mouth advertising. You can control the element of positive testimonials by ensuring that you are deserving of them and can then promote them via your website and social media channels – these in turn will also lead to recommendations to your business. While word-of-mouth advertising is next to impossible to quantify, it feeds into the overall social sphere of testimonials and recommendations and is a great asset in making a conversion.

Regardless of your target audience(s), Ireland Website Design will create for you a modern and responsive website and online presence to drive sales to your business. Contact us to have your online aims and goals met.

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