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Why you Need to Follow SERPs

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Do you regularly monitor your website’s SERP (search engine results page) performance? Here is why you really should.

Your SERP performance outlines how well your website and webpages are performing at being matched to the keywords and terms that you have chosen for your SEO purposes. This of course is in stating for organic rankings and content because as we know, paid advertisements will automatically populate the very top of the SERP. If you were ranked at #1 last week but have fallen to #2 this week, you have to ask yourself two questions:

  1. Have I made any changes to my website that may have caused this drop in rankings?
  2. Has my competitor who is now in the #1 spot made any changes to their website which bumped them up?

Find out these answers and then adapt as necessary. If your website changed in the past week to cause you to drop, you may want to firstly ascertain why this caused the drop. Perhaps your newly uploaded video dragged the load times down? Did you remove an image and therefore also remove the alternative text which also happened to be on your web pages keywords/terms? You may need to revert to this previous stage to recover your ranking. From a similar perspective, discover how the new #1 arrived at that spot. Was their page content recently updated to be more accurate or perhaps the word count was increased? You should be familiar with your competitor’s content to not only trace these changes but also so that you are not blindsided by any new offering that they make that is a further threat to your business operation.

An excellent (albeit time-consuming) idea is to keep a weekly tab on all of your SERP rankings for your chosen keywords and key terms that you are looking to target. This could be transcribed into tables or charts so that you can visually track your progress, peaks, and plummets. A digital agency such as ourselves at Ireland Website Design could monitor this for you as part of our online marketing services to businesses. We understand the cutthroat nature of the business worldwide web today and work with businesses to help them come out on top. Knowing that no two businesses are the same, we offer custom solutions that are specific to your business, your industry, and your target audience(s).

Contact the expert team at Ireland Website Design to ensure that your business website is optimized and supported to meet and maintain its full potential. Our work drives sales to your business.


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