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Say Goodbye to Traditional SEO

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In this content-driven modern day, it is not enough to simply be by the books with SEO to prevent your website/webpage from getting indexed.

SEO as we Know (Knew?) it

As we know, search engine optimization exists to give our website/webpages the best chance to rank as high as organically possible on search engine results pages. Traditionally, this was achieved by ensuring that your webpages were free from errors (technical, grammatical, and otherwise) and that they also implemented a clear and healthy associated keyword density. Having these traits aligned correctly in place would mean that your website would not be indexed or penalized and had everything in its favor to thrive online.

So what has changed?

Well, everything has arguably changed – from the methods with which we can now access and view webpages (desktops, laptops, mobile devices, tablets, wearable tech) and also the way webpages are interacted with (with quality content and video content being two dominating factors). This has not only added extra layers to the complexity of SEO as we know it, but it also has dictated a new approach to a once straightforward process. With this, the definition and meaning of SEO may remain the same; but the process behind it and the work that goes into it has transformed from what it once was.

SEO Today

Today, digital and online marketing agencies often specialize in SEO as it has grown to become a dedicated branch of digital and online marketing activity. We now have to contend with making sure that content is responsive, renders well on both mobile and desktop, adheres to local SEO and/or geo-tagging, has a minimum word count, and also utilizes video content where and when possible. This is in tandem with the traditional SEO route of keyword density and matching page titles and URLs etc. which still remains as important as before, albeit now it is only a piece of a much larger puzzle.

Where does this leave me and my website?

There is no extra work to be done as stipulated above to keep ahead of the curve (and the competition) to ensure that your website and webpages do not tumble down the rankings. Your SEO efforts to date need to be updated to survive and thrive online. While this is undoubtedly a big task to action for your entire website, one idea is, to begin with, your top ten webpages (discover these via Google Analytics using either hit counters or conversion rates – whatever is best applicable to you) and then complete the remaining pages when time permits. It is really advisable to seek the help of an online and digital marketing agency to action this on your behalf to ensure that this is actioned correctly and to the best levels and limits possible with your current content.

The professional team at the digital agency Ireland Website Design is experts in SEO and quality content control. Across a team of website developers, designers, copywriters, and marketers we ensure that our work is always completed to a five-star standard to survive and thrive online today. Get in touch with us to arrange a consultation and have your website optimized to drive sales to your business.

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