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Easy Fixes for Common Web Design Mistakes

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If you have a website that you are not 100% happy with but are not in a position for a reskin or redesign, these simple fixes can see you through.

Whether you made decisions in haste, hired a (upon reflection) bad website designer or have just come to notice that parts of your website are not performing well; fear not as some of these common mistakes can be corrected. The fact that these mistakes occur in the first place really drive the point home that website design (especially for businesses) should be left in the hands of professionals as they know not to make these mistakes in the first place. But if you are not currently in a position to have your website reskinned or redesigned, these fixes can help remedy some mistakes.

Mistake: Picking a Website Theme and not Customising it

This is a mistake because after your website is put in life, you will no doubt begin to notice numerous others who look quite like yours as they have chosen to use the same template without customisation. While your respective content may be different, the overall design and layout will be strikingly similar leading users to know that you did not put that much time and effort into your website design. The fix to this is to download (at a usually small cost) a premium theme or associated toolkit. This gives you much more scope to change the layout and style of your website in terms of colours and fonts and therefore separate you from the duplicate themes in existence.

Mistake: Not Resolving your Image Issues

You may have found a great image that you really liked and thought would represent your business and website well – even though said image only came with a small resolution. Once this has been stretched to fit in with your website design and render both on desktop and mobile, it may suffer from a low resolution and/or appear stretched in contrast to how it should look natural. Images can also be problematic and drain the loading times of your website if they are not optimised for use on your website. The fix in this situation is to firstly be ruthless and replace any and all images which are letting the overall look of your website down, regardless of how much you like them. Secondly then is to ensure that all images are optimised and compressed as necessary so that they do not have a negative impact on your website speed. While these particular fixes can take time to act properly, they are an investment in terms of fixing these harmful mistakes on your website.

Mistake: Designing without Consulting Colour and Typography Palettes

Everyone has their own tastes when it comes to colours and fonts that they like. However, in website design, professionals usually seek out tried and tested colour palettes and complementary typography palettes to ensure an overall design aesthetic that is universally appreciated by a wide spectrum of website visitors. If you match colours and fonts simply to your liking without any research, it is worth taking the time to discover what works best and why for your industry i.e. a blue colour scheme and clear, the flat font works well for the medical sector. This is a subtle change to implement but when done right will add a substantial professional edge to your business website.

For a mistake-free, reliable and responsive website that will drive sales to your business, contact the professional team at Ireland Website Design. We are the preferred designer for business websites as we consistently deliver results to our clients time and time again.

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