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4 Ways That Tweetdeck Can Help Your Business

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Supercharge your Twitter posts and your Twitter feeds by using Tweetdeck. Here we outline four ways that it can seriously help your business.

Tweetdeck unlocks a whole world of potential for businesses and data analysts. Rather than be presented with the standard Twitter interface, you instead have a customizable dashboard made up of columns of your choosing. Each column can contain live data of your choice so that you can monitor your own profile, relevant content to your business, or even your competitor’s activity. Read on below to see our four main picks of how Tweetdeck can help your business.

Schedule your Tweets

This is a very useful feature for time-sensitive social media postings. Let’s imagine that your company birthday falls on a Sunday and you want to post a ‘Happy Birthday’ message on your company social media accounts on this day. If your offices are not open on a Sunday, you can simply post on FaceBook, Instagram, Twitter, etc. in your own time. With Tweetdeck, you can write your tweet in advance to post on Sunday and therefore not erode into your weekend time.

Monitor Multiple Feeds

You can follow your competitors as normal on Twitter, but with Tweetdeck, you can view all of these on a single page. By having all of your competitors’ Twitter feeds on display in individual columns, you can monitor when one is having a sale or launching a new product/service, etc. Use this knowledge to undercut them with a better sale of your own or even to delay or rush-released a product/service launch of your own.

Follow Hashtags

Alongside Twitter profiles, you can also compile and monitor individual hashtags in the single-page column format as mentioned above. If you are a vendor of chocolate, you may follow the #chocolate hashtag to see when somebody tweets with it. Like and re-tweet their #chocolate content to possibly gain more followers, increase your presence, and have an overall more increased visibility as a company. Following #chocolate will also show you when and if the hashtag starts to trend and will also reveal to you people’s thoughts on the entity that you sell “Why can’t all chocolate come in foil wrappers? #chocolate” Use this information to your advantage as it is veritable and direct target audience feedback.

Collate your Mentions

Every time that your company Twitter account is mentioned in a tweet, you can have this be displayed in another column in the Tweetdeck interface. This helps you to keep track of who is saying what about you and when. Received a positive testimonial? Re-tweet the tweet and message the user with thanks. Received negative feedback? Spring into firefighter modern and message the user if a solution to the misunderstanding can be reached and their negative tweet hopefully deleted.

Our expert online and digital marketing team are knowledgeable in all things social media to help your business grow and attract sales. Get in touch with us today to have a solution created for you to drive sales to your business and increase, protect and enhance your presence online.

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