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What Is The Process Of Making A Website?

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Here at Ireland Website Design, there is a lot more to creating a website than simply installing a template and uploading some photos. Over the last six years, we have worked endlessly to perfect our website design process.

Split into sub-sections devoted to each stage of crafting a website, our web design process is designed to ensure every member of our team understands each client’s needs and their own role in creating the perfect project to fulfill those needs. Each project we work on follows a strict chronological set of repeat processes. We’ve found that no matter how diverse the project, they usually have around 80% of the same steps in the creation process. So if you’re wondering how we manage to do it, here’s our guide to our website building process and how it can help your business.

The first step is the Discovery Process. Undertaken with our sales director Nick, this step revolves around us understanding your business, your competitors, your current online presence, and your desired outcome from your new website. Usually, the discovery process takes place over an average of 5-7 in-person meetings and a couple of phone calls. This is us setting the concrete for the foundation of your company’s new online home. During these meetings, Nick will do thorough research into your company’s performance in your industry; a full evaluation of your online presence, and an analysis of your competitors’ online strategy. You’ll decide on measurements for your new site’s success (more traffic, more sales, more inquiries, etc.) and then you can move on to sharing examples of sites that inspire you. Essentially, the Discovery Process is us getting to know you and your business, so we can fully realize your online potential with your new site. Once all this information has been gathered, the discovery process documents are ‘handed over’ to operations manager Stephen. The final meeting with Nick is an introduction to Stephen and the next stage of your project.

With the discovery process information at hand, Stephen will take your website project onto the next stage of our process – the Design and Gather Process. For this stage, we use the project management software Teamwork Projects. Teamwork Projects gives you full access to what each member of our team is working on for your project. Your project is split into tasks and each task is assigned a team member and due date. The design phase will include any graphic design work you require and a mock-up image of your final site. Here’s an example of our Logo Design Phase on Teamwork Projects:

Logo Design Process

  1. Design brief
  2. Client research
  3. Sketching and conceptualizing
  4. Send the best concepts to the client for review
  5. Client feedback and revision
  6. Send to the client and ask them to choose their preferred design
  7. Client sign off on logo

As you can see, using this software enables our team to work on each aspect of the task at hand, keep a record of who works on which aspect and how long they work on it for. This is all visible to the project’s owner (you!), ensuring complete transparency in your project’s progress and security in knowing exactly what steps are needed for each stage of your website’s build. We use Teamwork Projects for every step of your project, from discovery to launch. Currently used by over 370,000 companies around the world, other businesses that use Teamwork Projects include PayPal, eBay, Disney, VEVO, Forbes, Pepsi, Microsoft, Spotify, and Louis Vuitton. Essentially, this means your project will be managed to the same task-oriented procedure and standards, using the same software. We’re so process-driven here; Teamwork.com has even featured us as a case study and on their blog!

The second aspect of this stage is the Gather Process, which is where all your content (text, images, files, and documents) for your website is created and collected. We store this in the online platform GatherContent. If you are opt-in for our copywriting services, you’ll have access to our copywriting team’s work online. Through GatherContent, you can check through and make any edits you want and then approve it for use on your new website. Simple, easy, and accessible anywhere!

The Build Process is your next step to a completed website. Once all your content is ready, our team of web developers creates your site from the designs you previously approved. Again, through Teamwork Projects you can keep up-to-date with all the advances in your project. If any issues should arise during this phase, you’re kept in the loop in real-time. With the project management software in place, our operations manager can ensure everything is running on time, to plan, and on budget.

Now your website is fully built, the Testing Process can take place. This involves our eagle-eyed developers and managers hunting down any possible bugs or mistakes from the build process. If any are found, they’re fixed fully before your website goes live. Our websites are carefully crafted to such a high standard; we even include a 30-day guarantee of free maintenance if there is a problem with the site’s development.

After your project is fully tested and gets your approval, it’s time to LAUNCH and your new website is live!

Every project we work on, from a simple logo design to a large-scale social network build goes through this process. By following our process’ set stages, our team is more efficient, our clients are happier and better informed and the standard of work on every one of our projects is second to none. With the use of Teamwork Projects and GatherContent, everyone involved in your project is kept up-to-speed and in the know on every stage of the build. Our website design process is just one of the many details we have developed to give you the best service possible when completing your company’s next project.

For more information or to start the process for your project get in touch today on 051-393-524 or info@irelandwebsitedesign.com

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