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onsider a Conference Website for a Professional Edge

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Holding a conference? A conference website can cater to all of your needs and give attendees a dedicated space to register and find out more.

While it may seem excessive, a website built just for a conference has many merits. Namely, it gives bandwidth and space to the entire event without it being shadowed by being built into another website. This means that it is a speedy and fully responsive website to fulfill all of the needs and queries that attendees and potential attendees might have.


To register for the conference, you can have a form built into the conference website to take payments and reserve a place for those looking to attend. This form can do quite a lot of legwork for you. It can be set to automatically contact those who register for a place with an e-mail stating their confirmation, receipt, and any required reference numbers or attachments to print to act as their ticket for example. Alongside this, the form can be customized to display when all places or full or to show an alert when less than one hundred places are left, etc.


A conference website is a rare instance that benefits from offering PDF downloads to its visitors. Once the conference agenda is finalized, it can be added as a PDF download to the website for people to view. The website itself can display the location and times of the conference and add a reactive Google Map for example to this effect. A page/section can also be built to feature each of the speakers and events at the conference. Having a full conference website gives room for each facet of the conference that requires space such as the previously mentioned points in tandem with the likes of information about the host company/organization and whitepapers and articles in relation to each talk and event.


Visitors to conference websites are often impressed that an entire website has been dedicated to the cause. This shows to them that the organizers and the conference itself are not a simple one-off event, but rather a meticulously planned and organized event that justifies its cost and justifies you making the time to attend it. This also relays a quality of care to those who visit the website – it shows that the conference has appointed staff and resources available to it and is not a money-grabbing afterthought of those who are organizing it.

The team at Ireland Website Design are experts in designing and launching conference websites with many satisfied clients to this effect. Get in touch with us to have this professional and practical portal created for your conference to attract attendees and have a competitive edge over other conferences by creating a great first impression.

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