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Five Crucial Traits of Good Landing Pages

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Do your landing pages adhere to these five crucial traits to deem them as ‘good’? Check if they do here with this blog.

Hit or Miss Headlines

Does the headline on your landing page have a ‘hit’ or ‘miss’ quality? Obviously, you want the former because visitors should instantly know if this is a page that they should remain on and peruse further. The latter ‘miss’ factor would arise from a vague or word-heavy headline. Consider these two headlines when looking to purchase a protective mobile phone case: (hit) “Your mobile phone will not scrape or break when dropped in this cover” or (miss) “This mobile phone cover will protect your device from any body-metal scrapes or screen cracks or breaks if it is dropped.” While both convey the same message, the ‘hit’ headline tells visitors exactly what they need to know and leads them to want to know more. The ‘miss’ headline veers dangerously close to standard and repetitive copy as it takes on a more generic approach.

Space to Skim

As a landing page is meant to be focused on fulfilling a consumer need, the page itself should allude to this and this only. Therefore a healthy dose of blank white space is encouraged to feature on this page so that those who view it can easily skim the page and realize if what you are saying and offering will help them. Landing pages that feature too much content can interrupt instead of enhancing the user experience as they bombard people with information rather than lead them to want to discover more. So don’t be afraid of a bit of breathing space on landing pages, your eventual conversions will be thankful for it.

Picture Perfect

Illustrating what you are trying to sell/drive traffic to can really help the decision-making process of those who visit your landing page. By showing them a physical representation of the product with a high-quality image, they can see exactly what they are purchasing. For both products and services, a video of each respective entity in use can drive this message home further and work wonders to show it being used in a real-world and real-life setting. This shows potential customers the size proportions and ergonomic dimensions of products and also the application and visualization of services offered.

Trusted Text

As this page is looking to direct those who visit it to do something, whether it be to purchase a product or sign up to a mailing list, prove to them that this is worthwhile to do. Pepper some testimonials and reviews around what you are trying to do to show that this is a trusted and praised endeavor as stated by those who have already converted. As we know when it comes to the vested trust in testimonials, these can be a crucial help in getting new visitors to convert into paying customers.

A/B Testing

This exists for a reason, A/B Testing has been proven to work and increase the likes of user activity and conversions time and time again. With your page mapped out from the points above, tweak some aspects and play around with the placement of content in a copied version of the page. Let your A/B testing run for a considerable amount of measurable time and then take heed of what the testing reveals to you. Implement these results and watch your optimized landing page flourish.

The experts at Ireland Website Design can design and implement the perfect landing pages for your website that are thoroughly tested and optimized to drive online sales. Get in touch with our team of website designers, copywriters, and online and digital marketing experts to drive sales to your business.


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