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Conversion Ideas to Use on your Website

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There exists more than one type of goal conversion that you can seek on your website. Why not try out more than one?

Contact Us

The goal here is to get users to contact you via telephone or e-mail or perhaps even by completing a form on your website. This goal shows you how many people came to your website and were satisfied by what they saw and experienced which led them to want to get in touch with you and your business. Phone records, inboxes, and analytics respectively can show you how successful your conversions are on each of these fronts.

Join Us

Getting users to sign up to your mailing list means that you have a license to contact them with news, updates, and offers each and every time you mobilize your mailing list and send a newsletter to those on it. With this, your mailing list becomes an element that shows you how many people have willingly opted to want to interact with your company. Monitor its growth by checking monthly as to how many new subscribers you have gained.

Follow Us

If your goal is to gain a larger online following from your overall online presence (and not just from your website); you may want to increase your likes on FaceBook, followers on Twitter, and subscribers on YouTube, etc. This type of goal-based conversion works well if you are looking to gain more client reviews and testimonials and also to see what content strikes a chord with them resulting in likes and shares.

Purchase from Us

Quite a self-explanatory one especially for an online shop/eCommerce website, alas users who purchase items from your website have converted from visitors of your website to customers of your business. This is obviously a lucrative conversion which you will want to sustain and you can measure this by identifying the user journey from landing pages to purchase.

Recommend Us

Some businesses may wish to gain leads from their current customer and client base. Therefore by offering them an incentive to recommend your website and company to others, you foster a relationship between your current clients and newer ones who will interact with your website with a pre-conceived positive first impression. You can monitor this left-of-field conversion by providing your current clients with unique codes or vouchers to pass to their recommended friends and family.

Talk to the online and digital marketing experts at Ireland Website Design to implement a conversion strategy into your website. Our professional and responsive websites drive sales and customers to your business.

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