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E-Commerce Why We Browse on Mobile but Buy on Desktop

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When it comes to online buyer behavior, the popular trend is to browse on mobile but buy on desktop. Here we look at why this is the case.

Mobile Ease of Use

The ability to unlock your mobile device and start browsing products to purchase in a few simple taps wherever you are is a major USP of mobile devices over desktops. This ease of use means that the stocks of bricks and mortar stores are available to browse literally in the pockets of those with mobile devices. With full catalogs of products available at their fingertips, one can understand why eCommerce browsing takes place on mobile devices.

Screenshot and Share

When on a mobile device, you can quickly and easily take a screenshot of a particular product/service that interests you. With this then you can IM (instant message) this to a friend or family member for their thoughts and feedback. While this can also be done via e-mail and the ‘Print Screen’ functions on a desktop device, it is that bit more cumbersome therefore it loses the edge over mobile devices.

Making the Purchase

Yet despite the abundant pros and justified reasons for browsing on mobile devices when shopping online, many users gravitate towards a desktop device to make their purchase. Despite the cumbersome and restrictive factors of using a desktop device, it appears as the safer method for many online shoppers. Why is this? There are two main reasons – trust and reliability. Desktop devices have been around for a much longer period of time than smartphones and smart mobile devices have been. They were the original portal for online shopping and have a longstanding and trusted reputation today. In terms of reliability, desktop devices are less likely to suffer from the signal and Wi-Fi dropping issues that mobile devices can experience. 3G and 4G connectivity also have their issues in that their wavering strengths can drop in the middle of a transaction – in some cases refreshing the checkout page and charging the user twice for a purchase.

When it comes to either desktop or mobile devices, the experts at Ireland Website Design can develop and design the ideal business website for you. We specialize in eCommerce websites and can even assist you in the process of securing government grants to assist with the setup of your online store. Get in touch with us today to reach your online aims and goals and drive customers to your business.


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