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What is a Company Story and why do you Need One?

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You may have heard of the need for your company story lately to be evident on your website. What exactly is this and how do you make one?

In a probable effort to make businesses seem more human and approachable as opposed to a cold corporate entity, having a company story is a trend that is gaining traction online. On a website, a company story can read quite like an ‘About Us’ section. It explains the ethos of your company through text, image, or video content (or a combination of these) with a variety of aims. In fact, some company websites have an ‘Our Story’ instead of an ‘About Us’ section. As mentioned above, your company story should have a few aims to reach all in one piece of content. The most popular ones would be:


Yes, you are a business, but you started this business yourself. What drove you to do this and why do you continue to do this? Every story has a beginning, middle, and end. Make this framework (I started the business in 2010, in 2012 we . . . etc.) and pepper it with the anecdotes that brought you to where you are today (we learned from our first trade show that . . .). This storyline gives a glimpse into what type of person you are and what drove you to make this business. People can pick up on traits of your story that may relate to them and as such this makes a favorable first impression on them.


Yes, your story can connote favorable impressions in an attempt to attract customers to your business; but it can also be used to attract staff to your business. Yes, your story can relay information that can assist with your recruitment process by showcasing the ethos, vision, and goals of your company. These may align with those who are interested in working with you. By showing where you started and where you are planning to go with your business, you highlight to potential staff (as opposed to potential customers) that you are a desirable and attractive business to work for.


Last but not least, your story can take the form of a visual piece if you choose to make it as a video instead of a text entry. A video can be more engaging and put faces to names by illustrating the points that you are trying to make. Bigger companies successfully use story videos as a marketing tool because they have the potential to go viral and be shared.

Portrays a concise but heart-warming story that really works well at making you sympathize with their slogan ‘made for more.’

If your website lacks a story or lacks direction in general and would benefit from a revamp or redesign, get in touch with the experts at Ireland Website Design to have a happy ending to your story. Our team of website developers, designers, and copywriters will create an online branding channel for you that will drive sales to your business.


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