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How To Repurpose And Recycle Your Website Content

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When done correctly, you can build upon your past successful content with updated tweaks that will even make Google take notice.

To repurpose or recycle your website content is the act of reusing a blog post or website page that was popular in the past but has become dated. By adding some more text content, updating details, and refreshing media content; you take an effective three-pronged approach that will even make Google take notice of your content recycling. You may want to recycle and repurpose content if it was popular in the past but is no longer relevant now. By doing this, you retain the search engine ranking, hits, and established nature of the content and refine it to suit your needs in the present day

Step 1. Add more text content

If you add an additional 300 or more words to an existing webpage or blog post, Google scans this and categorizes it as a fully new webpage/blog post. Not only does this chunk of text give you ample opportunity to target the density of your new keyword, but it also adds to the page (literally) by adding a full 300 or more words that were not there before. This can also be used to redirect the purpose of the page to serve its new purpose i.e. changing a popular blog post detailing smart TV to a blog post detailing smart TV and app integration.

Step 2. Update the details

Go through the content and fact-check it for the modern-day. That is to say that you should make sure that dates and tenses are altered to read as if the content was created today. So change “the smart TV revolution will officially begin on 30th September 2015” to read “the smart TV revolution began on 30th September 2015.” You should also change the date that the blog was posted to the current date to really reinforce the refresh. If any of your business details have changed since, these should also be updated to include new locations, directions and opening hours, etc.

Step 3. Refresh the media content

While some may consider this step as optional, it can be worthwhile to refresh the media content of your webpage/blog post to see the act of repurposing come full circle. Change an image to one more relevant (or simply one that is newer), do this likewise for any and all videos and if you have a testimonial slider active, change the testimonials that are displayed to show the passage of time and new testimonials earned and collected.

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