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How to Increase Website Speed by Reducing Image Size(But Rtaining Quality)

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Follow these simple steps to increase your website speeds by reducing the size of your website images while not losing any of the quality.

Use the Correct Image Format

You’ve heard of JPEG and PNG, but have you ever wondered why the two exist if they can both display the same images? Generally, PNG files are better used for logos and transparent images (or in essence computer-generated imagery), and JPEG is better suited to display photographs. The main difference between the two is the file size in that PNG is usually the larger file type and JPEG is the smaller. With this, you are probably thinking “Well why don’t I convert all of my website imagery to JPEG?” You can of course do this, but doing so will mean that the aforementioned logos and computer-generated graphics will not render as well as PNG is the optimum file type for them. Vice-versa, it is incorrect to assume that because PNG files are usually bigger in size than they would better display a high-quality image over JPEG – both have their own distinctive uses (and existences) for a reason.

Justify your JPEG File Sizes

Because JPEG is rendered to display photographic images as best as possible; in most cases, you can definitely afford to reduce and compress the file size of the image without noticing a major visual change in the aesthetic quality. Experiment with the images on your website – for example, copy an image that you are currently using and compress it to display at 85%. You may notice a slight difference, but rest assured that your website visitors may not be astute as they scroll around and gloss over images. Completing this for all of your JPEG images on your website can yield significant results in terms of a more optimized and speedy user experience.

Delete Unnecessary Meta Data

While the alternative text is an important facet of images to incorporate and maintain with each image (and a great way to legitimately use your keyword/phrase); the metadata is not. The metadata of an image can be over a paragraph long in certain instances. Stock photo vendors are known to do this to help group related images together on their websites for search purposes. However, this text data can remain on the image when you purchase it and used it. Therefore not only does your website have to already display this new high-resolution image of a tiger in a tree, but it also devotes bandwidth to retain the exhaustive metadata that may not even see the light of day “A photographer’s image of a wild tiger basking in the warm sun while perched in a leafless tree pictured around midday while the sun is at its most intense; one understands why the animal’s mouth is openly panting in their attempt to keep cool.”

With both website developers and designers as part of our expert team, the staff at Ireland Website Design can consult you on how best to optimize your website for a winning user experience or redesign/reskin your website if you so wish. Get in touch with us today for expert knowledge and expert skills that will result in a website that drives your sales.

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