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8 SEO Terms That you Need to Know

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Whether new to SEO or a seasoned pro, these are the eight search engine optimization terms that you need to know to foster and prolong your understanding and success.

Alternative Text / Alt Text

This is a snippet of text that is used to describe an image on your website. If the image fails to load for any number of reasons, this text will display instead to explain what the image is. As an added bonus, you can also use this area to mention your keyword or phrase.

Back Link

A backlink is when another website has a link on or more of their web pages that links back to your website. If this website is related to your business industry and can be viewed as a peer of yours, this looks good for your standing and helps positively with your rankings.

Black Hat

This is the term used to describe SEO practices that search engine algorithms frown upon. This would involve unnatural keyword density (see below), purchasing backlinks, and inappropriate tagging of blog posts.

Bounce Rate

Bounce rates are the measurements taken (usually via Analytics) to ascertain if people come to your website but leave without further interacting with it. A high bounce rate can reveal to you that a certain webpage does not have a good user experience or the information that visitors were looking for.


For both search engines and your website visitors, having your heading text on the H1 style instantly shows what your page is about and alludes to what it contains. This both captures the short attention spans of those who visit your page.

Keyword Density

The more times you use your keyword or phrase in a grammatically correct context within a webpage, you positively influence the SEO of that webpage. However, if you unnaturally cram this into a webpage, this will be picked up on and your website penalized (in terms of SEO rankings) and in extreme cases possibly even blacklisted.

Landing Page

A Landing Page is a page that website visitors will arrive on as the first interaction with your website. They can arrive on this page as a result of either an organic search engine result or via paid online advertising. These pages need to be very specific and keep in line with what they advertise through their metadata and snippet description visible of search engines and advertisement text.


The sitemap is one of the best navigational tools that your website can have. This list of terms (each with a built-in link) can show website users what is available for them to view. This also gives a snapshot to search engines as to the main content pages of your website.

The experts at Ireland Website Design can assist you with any SEO terminology terms or obstacles that you are struggling with. Get a free SEO report of your website from us and get in touch should you wish to action any of the points that it reveals to help you reach your website, SEO, and online aims and goals.

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