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How To Utilise KPIs For Your Website

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With any project or business endeavor, it is important to set KPIs to assess and measure the progress and worthiness of the work. Your website is no different.

What are Key Performance Indicators?

Key performance indicators (KPIs) are a type of goal or aim that you set that obviously has to be met in order to be deemed successful. However, as opposed to a singular end result, fulfillment of KPIs are ongoing as work is performed and perfected as time goes in. KPIs can be seen as benchmarks to measure effectiveness after a certain amount of time and also they are an opportunity to fine-tune the process before going further to ensure that it carries on in the right direction.

How can I apply KPIs to my website?

In order to assess that your website is performing well for you, set a time-based goal. For example, in the calendar month of March, you decide that you would like to see a minimum of ten conversions made at the ‘Contact Us’ page. This is to ascertain whether your website is performing well enough to meet your particular aims and goals. So when March ends and April begins, you take a look at your Analytics to see if your KPI of reaching a minimum of ten conversions was made. If it was met that is great, but if it was not met; what can you do to reach it in the future?

How can web design help to meet the KPIs that I set for my website?

Keeping with the above example, let’s imagine that you did not make ten conversions in March. This shows you that your website is not performing as well as you would like it to and as such is hindering you from reaching your goals and aims. Talk to your expert web designer – they can help you here. Once you relay the problem to them, they can come up with a creative solution that addresses the issue and actively fixes it. They may suggest moving the ‘Contact Us’ form to the homepage or highlighting the ‘Contact Us’ tab to be more prominent on the homepage. Now you reassess your KPI be setting it again at a comparable calendar month. As you have fine-tuned the ‘Contact Us’ prominence, you can expect the KPI to be met. Therefore your website is not only making great conversions, but it also is helping you to reach your business aims and goals better than before.

The expert web designers and web developers at Ireland Website Design work alongside you to set KPIs for your website and flex their skills to make sure that these KPIs are met. Get in touch with our dedicated team today to get a responsive and optimized business website design customized to meet your aims, goals, and desired KPIs.

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