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Signs that your Web Designer is Terrible

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These are the common traits that would be found between web designers who for all intents and purposes are lacking in an array of positive attributes. Here are the signs that your web designer is terrible.

We all know how big of a decision it is to pick a web designer to build and design your website. Yet for some, the pitfalls do not reveal themselves until the project is started and the website is built. Below are the common traits and red flags that can signal a danger surrounding the design of your website and the designer(s )who is designer and building it.

Is the Price Right?

When we examined ‘How Much Does a Website Cost?’; it became apparent that in the last couple of years, something in the region of €3,000 is a justifiable price for a basic website built from a template. Yet what the last couple of years have also revealed to us is that consumers have more choice of high quality websites to browse and do business with – basic doesn’t quite cut it anymore. As such, if you are quoted for or see an ad for a full website design around €1,000 etc. be very aware of what this will get you and what it will (fail) to achieve for your business goals.

Haven’t I seen you before . . ?

We have all seen them – those two images that seem eternal online. The image of two hands, shirt cuffs and blazer sleeves locked in a tight handshake. The other is of the attractive female office worker with a perfectly groomed appearance wearing a phone headset and looking towards the camera. This are the most common images found on business websites with questionable design ethics as they are the most basic of stock images that can be used in a variety of situations. But you don’t want basic and common, you need interactive and unique images that are tailored to your business/industry.

What time is it where you are?

Liaising with the designer themselves, communication should be frequent, clear and followed-up on. At least, you should expect a verbal phone/Skype call once a week for updates of the progress of the website and any problems or setbacks encountered. With this, it makes sense to work with a designer in your own country so that you have similar business hours and can schedule these weekly check –ins.

A website designer should not have bad communication skills. After all, their job is to communicate your brand and business online through a website. If they are not checking in with the client (i.e. you), what project management plan, if any, are the following?

Are you a client or a cousin?

Consider where you found your website designer and how this can cause problems. A website design project is a long but rewarding progress that can be fraught with setbacks. Due to this, it is best to go with a neutral party where you are viewed as a client.

Picking a family member or friend can diminish the business relationship in that it becomes more personal. Picking Steve from the IT department can possibly damage workplace relations (not neglecting the fact that IT and website design are two separate things). Picking yourself is a bad idea as your pursuit for perfection and to get the idea from your head translated to a tangible website will need assistance.

Lastly, if you pick a website designer from a listing website such as Craigslist, you should really wonder as to why they do not have their own website advertising their own services . . . Should the going go bad, good luck finding them when they delete their Craigslist ad.

Can you do this properly?

A key factor when it comes to your website is the copywriting and text that is to populate the pages of the website. If your website designer cannot do this themselves, you would hope that their network of contacts and peers contains somebody who they can recommend. You need both copywriting and SEO implementation to have a successful website that Google and website browsers will respond well to. What it also worth noting is that in the majority of website design delays, copywriting is the culprit. If needs be, outsource this to the professionals or otherwise expect delays and mutual tensions until this is actioned and search engine optimised correctly.

Is that all you need to know?

The website designer that you hire should be a sharp professional. If they do not ask enough questions about what you want your website to look like and as to what you want it to achieve, this is a red flag. How can they design and build something with little input from the client.

This also leads into the scope and goals of the project. Their lack of communication to you (especially in the initial stages pre-design) signals that they will not understand the scope of the project and how long it will take to complete. Due to this, how can they implement a strategy to complete the project? Will they take it upon themselves to come up with the overall architecture of the website build without consulting with you as to what your conversion strategy is?

Ireland Website Design is proud not to fall into any of the categories above. Talk to us today to discuss your website design needs. Our Irish-based team of experts consist of professional web designers, web developers, content writers, search engine optimisers, app designers and more.

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