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How To Be More Effective in Gaining Leads

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Calls to action

Calls to action tell you potential client where to go, what to do and aim to get that first point of contact between the client and your company. Highlight important information and push them to contact you now, not later. Make your calls to action short, direct and easy to see. Some of the most popular haulage company CTAs are ‘Request a quote’, ‘Call us today’ or ‘Get in touch now’.

Contact Information

Have your contact information in a prominent location. This may seem obvious, but many companies forget this, instead of burying important info on the contact page. Your email and telephone should be seen easily and make an impression. Our suggestion, place them at the top of your website, alongside the company name and logo.

Add an ‘About’ page

Tell your potential clients who you are and what you do. When a person is looking for the right haulage company, they will often want to know who they’ll be working with. Add images of your staff with some information to say who they are. Main point, show them you’re a real company and easy to approach.

Use clear professional looking images
The old cliché is true – images speak louder than words. Make sure to use genuine images of your business. If necessary hire a photographer, it may seem like an expense at the start but these images will be invaluable and add a level of professionalism to your site. A great example of the impact professionally shot images can create is gogginstransport.com, one of our most recent development projects.

Make your site mobile friendly

Studies have shown that Irish people are one of the biggest phone internet users in the western world. Along with this, Google is now starting to penalise websites that are not mobile-friendly in the search rankings – clients simply won’t see you.  Keeping all these factors in mind, a mobile responsive site can play a big part in acquiring your new client.

Add Testimonials

Your current customers are a great asset to your business. They can provide you with testimonials and case studies that highlight the time and money you saved them. Have the testimonials or case studies pre-written for approval by your client. Word of mouth works better than any advertising.

Know your goals

What do you want to achieve? Who is your target audience? What do you want your site to do? By asking these questions and knowing the answers you can tailor your site to perform the way you want it to. Create landing pages, write dynamic content targeting your preferred customers and use effective calls to action to direct them to the areas you want them to see.

Start Over

This may not seem like a great idea; it takes time, money and resources, but it may be worth it. If you have an old, outdated website, it may be a better idea to start over using newer technology rather than patching up what’s already there.

Hire a professional

The last and most important tip is this, hire a professional. Your website is a window to your business. If it looks old and outdated it can project a poor image of your company. By hiring a professional web design company, you are hiring someone with the skills and knowledge to help your business progress in the competitive online marketplace.

If you are interested in redesigning or rebuilding your website, contact Ireland Website Design. A patron of the IRHA, they have also been responsible for the rebuild of the new IRHA website due to be launched in the coming months. Feel free to give them a call on (051)360488 or 0894278112 and see what they can do to help you improve your business.

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