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How To Create Buzz For Your Website

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Even if you have designed a website that looks the part and has a lot of good content, you still may find that getting people to visit is a tough task. In order to get people actively looking for your website and wanting to visit, you have to create buzz. 

Creating buzz for a site is always easier said than done, but there are a few things you can do in order to create a little bit of buzz. Just a small amount could be all you need in order to create a big audience. 

Here we will take a look at some of the methods you can deploy in order to create buzz, and how you can easily make them applicable to your website. 

Tell Your Audience An Interesting Story 

It has become more and more important for the copy on the ‘about us’ page of your website to be compelling and of interest to your audience. This is why professional copywriters are often sought out in order to write just 200 words on how the business or website got started. 

No matter what, there will always be an interesting story about how you started your company. Even if it was just you having an idea of something fun for you and your friends to do, that’s still a story worth telling. Write it all out, and then cut it down so then it becomes a sharp and interesting piece of content. Just try and speak to your audience about yourself. 

Offers And Promotions 

Nothing can really get people more interested than a special offer or some sort of promotion. If you can, try and offer these kinds of incentives for first-time visitors or first-time buyers. This way you are giving your potential audience a window of communication. If they buy something from you using an offer or a promotion and they like what they have purchased, they are quite likely to come back to you again. 

When you launch your promotion, try and give it as much coverage as you can on social media. This way you will be able to get the word out to your potential customers that you have something they could be interested in. 

Provide Quality Content 

This is something that every site should really be doing if they are to find an audience. Because of the new rules for search engines like Google, having quality content is really the only way forward. 

If your content is boring and doesn’t really fit with your site, your search ranking will go down and so will your audience. If you have good engaging content, however, you should be able to build up an audience quickly. 

Have a look at the content on your competitor’s website and see what they have. See if your content is better or worse. If you think it’s worse, try giving it a little revamp and see if that helps build up your audience figures. 

Encourage Feedback 

When people visit your site, encourage them to give you feedback. Ask what they think about certain things and encourage them to share their thoughts with you. You could even try giving away a discount to one lucky contributor as an incentive. 

Once you have enough feedback, you can go through it all and see what they think about your website. Make sure that you have asked them about everything, from the design of the website to the logo and the content. This way you will be able to discover exactly what your audience thinks of you and your website. 

Send Press Releases 

If you really want to attract an audience then nothing can do that more effectively than being in the news. Many big websites try and send out a press release every month telling the media about something they feel is newsworthy. If you have something going on with your website or business that you think could be worthy of a little media coverage, then don’t hold back sending out those press releases. Getting the name of your site in the press is a very effective way to create buzz, and it will actively encourage people to head to your website and check out what all the media fuss is about.

Social Media Optimisation 

If you are constantly posting updates on your social media accounts but are still getting no joy, it’s probably because you are not reaching out to your audience enough. Try and encourage them to talk to you and send you their opinions. Try and make them feel more involved in your decision-making when it comes to content and the design of your website. If you can do that, then you will find the number of social media followers you have increasing, and the audience figures for your website will also start to increase. 

Create A Marketing Plan 

This is probably the most important aspect when it comes to creating buzz. Posting something on your site that you think will be popular is not good enough. It may give you an audience spike for a brief period, but it will not be enough to keep them coming back for more. The best thing to do is create a marketing plan so then you know what you’re doing every step of the way.

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