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LinkedIn - The Things You Can Do Right!

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One of the most procrastinated tasks in the world is job-hunting. It is one of the tasks that the ideal result of which everybody dreams of, but no-one wants to get down to the doing process of. Competition in the twenty-first century is no small thing. For one small job posting, there are thousands of applications. In such a world, how do you make your profile shine through among the rest?

Trust the same platform as 88% of the Fortune 500 companies. Trust the platform with over three million company profiles and 225 million members – LinkedIn. Now you think, okay, there is plenty of good companies here, but still there are so many more people vying for the same job – the problem of competition is still there. What you have forgotten is the tool of Search Engine Optimization (SEO).

As soon as a portfolio is put up, a company receives numerous applications. Companies use different software like Profile Matcher, Talent Finder etc. to find candidates most suited to the portfolio. Any candidate who uses the descriptors given by the company will have a greater chance of being considered a relevant candidate.

Here’s a quick guide that teaches you the tricks that nobody else will tell you:

  1. Create a custom profile URL: every user generates a unique URL to their LinkedIn profile. This URL is usually a series of meaningless letters and numbers, but change it to include your name.
  2. Identify keywords: Make a list of the terms that are used across all your desired vacancies. Google AdWords Keyword Tool is a good tool for finding out terms that increase your searchability.
  3. Upload your profile picture: No, putting up that picture of you at last Friday’s party just will not do. Use a picture of you with a plain background that highlights your face and makes it visible even in the small icon size.
  4. Be strategic with content: Use keywords found in step 2, especially in titles as that will get your profile highlighted. Make your career history sound like an interesting story. Get creative with the keywords in the ‘About Me’ section.
  5. Optimize your anchor links: LinkedIn allows you to choose three of your own websites. Instead of the conventional ‘type’ option, choose ‘other’ and bring the keyword into play yet again.
  6. Complete your profile: A no-brainer, right? But check out profiles on LinkedIn and you will be surprised by the number of people who have not completed their ‘About Me’ section.
  7. Upload samples of your work: If you have pieces of writing or video or any other thing that promotes you, share them.
  8. Group membership:  Group membership is good whichever way you look at it – it allows you to exchange ideas with similar minded people and it also helps as companies scout forums.
  9. Recommendations: You dutifully list down your references in your CV. Here too, get people to review you and flatter you publicly, to put it very bluntly.
  10. Interact: the golden rule. A good profile is nothing if it does not get around. Participate, keep using it, keep it current. Even after you get that dream job.

Follow these steps and find out how LinkedIn can actually work wonders for you. Good luck!

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