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Interesting SEO Facts confirmed by Matt Cutts of Google

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Matt Cutts is a Software Engineer who started at Google in January 2000. Matt heads the Google Webspam team and gives advice on search engine optimization issues. Matt has become famous for his Video blogging on Youtube and we follow him on Youtube, Google+, and his own blog, we read everything he has to say and here we have compiled a list of confirmed SEO facts from him.

The facts we have outlined here have been collated from different video blogs from Matt, it is important to note that at any time Google may change how it feels about any of the below items and they may become redundant.

1. Always use hyphens in URLs and never use underscores

2. Use a file extension, your website pages should all end in .html

3. Publishing lots of pages/articles/blogs

It is totally fine to publish 100s of pages to your website in one go, however 1000s may cause a red flag. 

4. Always use a HTML Site Map

5. Read more drop downs can potential look dodgy when hiding content, it is better to use a tabbed menu 

6. You should use keywords in your page url, it helps your ranking 

7. Links at the top of the page are seen as more important than ones at the bottom

You can learn so much more by searching for Matt Cutts on Google, check out his blog and youtube page, lots of handy tips and advice in pushing your website to the top of Google. 

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