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Twitter, Facebook and Pinterest Drive Social Commerce

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Social networking websites have a great impact on social commerce, where Facebook is leading and Pinterest is overpowering Twitter. The maximum number of people communicates at Facebook, making it one of the most effective ways of doing business. Social media websites are a terrific platform for online retail marketing strategies where users can discuss and post about their services as well as products.

Social commerce is also known as s-commerce, where social networks help to enhance sales. Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest are major social networks that help to drive sales through referrals and where the shopping tab is used on Facebook to do the same. 

There are many types of social commerce apart from social network sales. Let’s put eBay as an example. It’s a community-based marketplace and is a peer to peer sales platform.  And that’s not the only type. There is a group buying too. Social commerce has a bright future where different marketing methods are still being tested by many retailers. The infographic displayed here showcases the worth of each social marketing platform when it comes to social commerce. 

Ranking of social media platforms

Every social site is good for something. Facebook dives its pride by being a social media platform very profitable for retailers. Interestingly though, many people are using Facebook today for social commerce. Facebook drives 86% of social retail sales whereas Pinterest drives 11% with Twitter having a share of just 3%. The reach of Pinterest is still not very wide. Yet rocketing to a share of 11% from nil to a few years back is an accomplishment indeed. The Interesting UI of Pinterest has more potential than 140 character tweets. 

The leading social media platform

The time spent by the users on Facebook is large as well. Users stick longer to Facebook rather than Twitter and Pinterest. According to a survey by Infographic, the average time spent by the user on all three platforms was 7.0 for Facebook, 4.1 for Pinterest and 2.7 for Twitter. The sales conversion rate of all the three social media platforms is quite good, but Facebook takes the lead here as well. The sales conversion rate of Facebook is 2.6%, Pinterest is 0.9% and for Twitter, it is 1.9%. Twitter has overpowered Pinterest here. 

The Revenue and visitor average for Facebook is $2.50, $1.6 for Pinterest and $0.80 for Twitter. So, the Facebook shoppers are leading in revenue and Pinterest is doing really well for the last three months. Pinterest is the sales driver for many home goods stores, which is not just driving sales, but generating revenue as well. So, the leading social media platform is Facebook but Pinterest has done quite well for retailers and the retailers are earning a good amount of profit through Pinterest and its driving social commerce to a great extent.  Pinterest is taking powerful advertising initiatives where it promises advertisements to be much more creative, worthy, relevant, etc. 

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