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How to get viral on Twitter?

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Microblogging services like Twitter are changing the way information spreads online.  Twitter is a force that any web publisher wants to reckon with, in order to get maximum exposure to the web content.  A couple of years ago, links would have been blogged.  Now it links are shared via microblogging sites.

You will have a higher chance of getting retweeted for maximum exposure if you know the secret to optimizing each of your tweets for virality.  Successful viral marketing on microblogging sites like Twitter is not as simple as people think, however, you can bring a rewarding outcome, with the right guidelines and by following these steps:

1. Call on the Action:

Retweeting is a way to show your followers and friends that you are caring about them and also about the content they are sharing on your microblogging site.  If you wish readers to take retweeting, the best method to persuade them to do it is by motivating them to retweet or by offering incentives.

2. Timing is very important

There is a window of time during which Twitter sharing occurs and you should keep an eye on the following:

  •  Monday through Wednesday. Weekends are slower.
  • The first few days of the business week.

3. Rules for the links:

70% of all retweets contain a link.  This is good news for marketers because it demonstrates that the ReTweeting mechanism is an acceptable way to spread content that is off-Twitter, and it clearly tells us that a link is a very important ingredient to ReTweetable Tweets. You should make sure that you utilize the links that are in your tweets to spread off-Twitter content. Do not spam your followers with ads and make sure you mix up with the other types of tweets now and then.

4. The Peer Effect:

Increase your retweetability.  This is to stimulate organic tweeting by persuading friends on Twitter to retweet your content for you.  This will be powerful if you can get the users who can share your content; they’ll be lending their authority and take calls to action and will be able to reach your message.

5. Focus on the topic

Certain types of posts, topics and links get more ReTweets than other general topics.  So you should focus on the topics which get more retweets.

  • Instructional contents, tips, and tos.
  • Breaking News.
  • Warnings
  • Contests and Freebies.

6. Social Proof

All forms of Viral Sharing include some form of social proof.  Humans tend to imitate naturally, especially for those people who have better information than themselves.  The retweeted likelihood increases each time it is retweeted.  One method of increasing the ReTweetability is to message or persuade other users to retweet the content for you to stimulate more and more organic tweeting.

Research shows that the word “please” occurs in “Retweets” more often than it occurs in any other tweets.  “Please ReTweet” is another explicit message that calls on actions.

Other common calls to action that more frequently occur are:

  • Check out
  • Follow this person
  • Please vote
  • Help me

Use these tips discussed above and enjoy more number of ReTweets. We have one of the best marketing plans out there for you. With us, you can get your marketing strategy up and running for as low as $650. We will take care of everything, from increasing your brand awareness to tweeting (and retweeting). All you need to do is to send across a mail or call us!


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