Business cards. They are a blessing and a curse. Any professional will tell you that they are the best way to give someone your details in the hope that they will contact you and offer you work. But in a time where everything is digital, business cards are becoming defunct. And Evernote and LinkedIn want to fix that.
It all starts with a photo of a standard business card, taken in Evernote. The app will then digitize the card and bring in any relevant LinkedIn information. You’re then given the option to connect with that CEO, secretary, or digital prophet on LinkedIn or add them to your address book. But that’s not the end of it. Over time, as business relations grow, you can add things like audio from meetings, documents, or even key emails with him/her to the cards page on Evernote.
Want to give it a try? Head on over to Evernote on iOS, Mac, and Windows to give it a shot. Android support is on the way too. The Card Scanning service is free for the first year and then you will need a premium Evernote subscription after that. Let’s just hope we all have a good hand of cards now.