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How To Use Twitter To Make Your Website More Popular

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Twitter is probably the best social media platform to use when it comes to making your website more popular. All you have to do is do a little research and make sure that your account looks appealing and it will start attracting people instantly. Here we will take a look at a few simple steps that will make Twitter the most important tool your website has for bringing in more visitors.

Create Some Lists

The problem with following lots of Twitter users is that there is always the risk of missing out on something that would be important to your website. Maybe a topic that links to your website is being discussed, but you haven’t noticed it because of all the other tweets taking up all of your attention.

Making lists for your followers is the best way to de-clutter things, and gives you the chance to address the subjects of a certain group’s tweets directly. The basic kind of lists you should be looking to make are, for example, ones for clients and for people who also work in your industry. That way, you can see when clients are making comments that could relate to you and you can see whether there is an opportunity to interact with them. The same goes for the people working in the same industry as you. After all, there is probably no better audience to learn new things from than your peers.

Once you have a couple of basic groups like this, you can go ahead and create groups based on your specific needs. Either way, as long as it makes it easier to go through all the tweets from the people you follow, then it will be very helpful.

Check Your Profile Picture

Your profile picture is one of the first things that a potential visitor to your site will see, and for that reason, it needs to be something that will get their attention. Try and find an image – or even just take a good photo – that you think would be good to be associated with your website. That way people passing by may be more inclined to click on your Twitter name and have a closer look at your profile page.

The best thing to do is to try and make sure that the image is a headshot. Those tend to be the kind of pictures that work best in the tiny little boxes that appear on Twitter timelines. If however your website is for a business and you have a logo you want to use, then that is also fine. Just make sure that the logo looks good in such a small space, and that even though it has been reduced it still looks clear and appealing.

Come Up With A Colour Scheme

After potential visitors have seen your profile image and have decided to click on your profile and take a look, they may be a little bit disappointed if you have gone for one of the basic Twitter themes that come with every membership. The best thing to do is take a few minutes to create your own colour scheme for the profile. It’s not a particularly difficult task, especially considering that if you are running a website, then you may already have a set of house colours that you would like to choose from.

It’s surprising, but coming up with your own colour scheme will show any visitor to your Twitter page that you do mean business, and it makes you look very professional at the same time. If you are a bit of an expert, why not try adding a little bit of a digital graphic to the background to make it look even more professional.

Check Your Twitter Bio

If you want people to visit your site, then it stands to reason that you will definitely need a link to it in your Twitter bio. After that, however, there is a little bit more room to be creative. You do of course only have 140 characters to choose from though, so you have to make them all count.

Make sure that it’s very clear what you and your website are all about. There is no way that people will go ahead and enter your site if they have no idea what it is. Also, try and add a little bit of humour to your bio. Twitter is often considered a place where people can let their hair down, and it should always be treated like somewhere where a business or a website can interact with its target audience. So just make sure that all the information the public needs to know is in the bio while making sure it looks warm and appealing at the same time.

Create A Twitter Landing Page

If you really want your Twitter followers to feel right at home when they click on the link for your website, then you should consider creating a landing page especially for the people who come from the social media site. Nothing will make them feel more welcome than knowing that you have gone out of your way to make sure that your Twitter followers feel comfortable when they arrive on your site.

It’s little changes like this that can make your site something that is visited once become a site that is bookmarked and visited regularly. Just give your landing page a brief message from you, and then go into details about what your site is all about. Once you have created this page unless you want followers to go directly to a different page, have the URL for the Twitter landing page at the end of every single tweet.

Take A Close Look At Who You Follow

Once you start keeping on top of your lists, go and have a look at the people you follow and see which you have been unable to categorise. Chances are this is because you are following someone you don’t really want to, in which case you should stop following them straight away. Very few of the more popular Twitter accounts actually follow many people themselves, so try and keep the numbers at a reasonable level.

These steps may seem a little too simple, but they are very effective at making your website popular through Twitter. If you employ all of these characteristics, you will have a reputation of being very professional while being warm and humorous at the same time. There are very few things that can make your website more popular than a good reputation among the people who have visited it.

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