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RECOSI Launch Extensive Plans For 200 Jobs

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One of our latest clients has extensive plans ahead – they’re creating 200 new jobs in Ireland over the next three years.

RECOSI, a company that deals with the refurbishment and reuse of IT and electronics equipment, came to us a few months ago looking for a website. We are also currently building their new online shop new www.greenit.ie.

RECOSI (Regional and European Co-operative for Social Industry) will directly employ 20 people in the first year and its Irish partners will create the additional 180 jobs soon after. RECOSI helps social enterprises refurbish and re-sell used IT and electronic equipment that would otherwise end up as waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE). Within five years, RECOSI aims to become Europe’s largest electronic and electrical equipment asset recovery organization.

“RECOSI has been set up to divert IT and electrical goods from being recycled to being reused in a proper professional, controlled way and in this way to generate employment,” the CEO of RECOSI Martin Reddy said. “Our initial target of 5pc of all WEEE being refurbished and reused will bring over 200 jobs to Ireland in the next three years.”



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