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How To Use Instagram To Improve Your Business

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When it comes to social media, Instagram is probably the one that is most often ignored by businesses. Most companies simply think they can’t take any pictures that will be appealing to people, even though in most cases that is not true. Instagram can be used by almost any business, regardless of what industry it is in.

Here we will have a look at how businesses can use Instagram to reach more people, and therefore increase the amount of clients and customers they get.

Treat Instagram Like An Online Shop Window

Your Instagram should act as a shop window at all times. If you have products that you are particularly proud of, or you are launching something new, then you should always post pictures of them on your Instagram. Try and update things as often as you can, and make sure that the photos you use are of the highest quality.

It’s also a good idea to try and manipulate the photos a little, and indeed the whole look and feel of your Instagram page. Try and use inviting colors and designs so then people find your images more appealing. Also, try and utilize the rotating photos that you have above your bio so then the more appealing pictures you have are put front and center.

Encourage People To Follow You

Even though Instagram is a little different from most social media sites, it is still absolutely essential that you get as many followers as you can. To do that, you need to make sure that your pictures are compelling and can attract attention. Also, make sure in the description that you include relevant hashtags, so then people looking on Instagram for something specific have more of a chance of finding your profile.

If your business sells physical products, then you have the opportunity to get more customers to follow you. For example, you could run a competition for people to send in photos of themselves using one of your products, and then you can share some of the better ones. Make sure that you mention their Instagram account in the description, and then you should find more and more people to start following you. If customers think they have an opportunity to be seen on your Instagram account, then they could well be very tempted to follow you.

Use Other Social Media Platforms

Chances are that if you are running a business, then you will have a social media account on some level. You might have Facebook, or Twitter, or more than likely both. In any case, you can use your social media accounts to get people checking out your Instagram page.

When you’re using Facebook, it’s easier than ever to connect with Instagram. With a few simple clicks and you can have Instagram photos being posted on Facebook simultaneously. Twitter has found it difficult to connect with Instagram previously, but that is now a thing of the past. Instagram photos can be attached to a tweet in the same fashion as a regular Twitter picture, so now there are no excuses when it comes to connecting your social media accounts. If you have a lot of followers on Facebook and Twitter, then you should be able to generate extra traffic to your Instagram easily.

Have Fun With Your Pictures

Instagram is probably the most carefree place to be when it comes to social media. If you come across as being too serious and all about the business, then you may find that your followers will quickly get bored and leave.

Try and have a nice range of fun photos every now and then. For example, if it’s someone’s birthday in the office, share a photo of the cake. Or even post a video of the employee blowing out the candles. You can even have pictures of the people who are working hard behind the scenes at your company. In general, if something fun or amusing happens, then try and take a picture of it so then it can go on your Instagram. It doesn’t have to be posted online straight away though. You can always keep it in a folder on your computer, waiting for when you want to lighten the mood a little bit.

Come Up With A Posting Plan

Just like with your other social media accounts, your Instagram page needs to be well managed at all times. Try and add at least one photo a day, but if you can’t, at least every three days. Think about the photos that you could post around a month in advance so then you can come up with a clear plan when to post pictures of new products or more light-hearted photos. This also gives you room for a little spontaneity. If something is going on in the office that day that would make a good Instagram post, then have a look at when you are due to post on Instagram again. If it’s another day or so before you’re due to post something, then you have a nice window to post something a little different.

Give Your Followers Something In Return

If you really want customers and potential customers to start following you, then you should offer them something that will convince them to do so. Competitions and special offers are the best way to do that.

If you have a competition to attend some sort of special event, then it can be a good way to give the amount of followers you have a real shot in the arm. If you made the competition only available to Instagram followers, then people should start flocking to your page. However, there is always the chance that these new followers will disappear once the competition is over. That is why you have to make sure that you post top-notch photos while the competition is running. That way your new followers will be more inclined to stick with you.

These are just a few methods you can use to make Instagram useful for your business. The main thing to remember is that interaction with your followers is key. Make sure that they feel involved with your Instagram account at all times, whether that be with pictures of them using your products, or running exclusive competitions. Also, make sure you come across as human beings with a sense of humor and fun. That way your followers will feel much more inclined to carry on using your company and your products or services.

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