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How to tell if your website is outdated!

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Is the design of your website clean and attractive? Does your site display relevant and current information that clearly defines your business? Is your site mobile responsive? If not then your site is probably out of date and in need of a makeover! In the world of web design, first impressions count, and an outdated website can not only look bad but can deter visitors? A site that’s informative, visually stimulating, and easy to navigate can appeal to visitors and offer a better return on your investment.

Areas of improvement to consider

Content Management

Can you edit your website’s content or must you rely on a web developer? A content management system will allow the most basic of users to update their websites keeping the information relevant and up to date.

Mobile Responsive

Is your site mobile responsive? If not you might consider the fact that up to 32% of Irish people use smartphones to go online. Having a mobile responsive site will enable users to access your site giving them the optimal viewing experience.


Content is king! If you want your website to be displayed in google search then having great links and content is the key! A simple yet effective way of doing this is to use words and phrases that people searching for your product or site will use. Having 10 to 15 quality links from relevant pages is far more important than having thousands of low-value ones.


Is your site using flash or is it built-in flash? If so then a large portion of visitors who use the iPhone, Ipads, and other mobile devices will not be able to view your content. All that will appear is an empty black box which is also what a search engine will see. However, there are now various ways to achieve the same effect which is viewable to all.

Calls to Action

Do you use calls to action? If not, then you’re missing out. Words like “Contact Us”, “Buy Now” are keywords that are proven to elicit a response from visitors to a website. Creating a strong call to action can make a big difference in the amount of leads and customers your site attracts.


Are you still using old outdated fonts like Comic Sans or Times New Roman? Well with the availability of thousands of free fonts there’s no reason why you should continue. Typography is a key element of brand design and a way for you to portray your individuality so it should be a key consideration for any website design.

Having read this blog you might now realize that your site is out of date, if so feel free to contact us here at Ireland Website Design

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