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How To Create Good Copy For A Landing Page

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Regardless of what methods you have used in order to get people to view your website, whether it be through a call to action at the end of a video or a link on social media, your landing page is where you convert internet traffic into potential leads. So many websites make the mistake of thinking that all they need is for someone to visit their site and then the job is done. In actuality, you need a good landing page in order to grab your audience’s attention.

Here we will look at how you can make sure the copy you use for your landing page is top-notch, and how that, in turn, helps you convert hits into leads.

Understand Your Demographic

All landing page copy has to consist of four parts; the headline, the summary, the convincing sales pitch, and then your call to action. Every single word of these sections has to be aimed right at your target audience, and in order for you to do that, you need to understand your demographic. This can be a very time-consuming task that can sometimes take a few months to complete, but it is always worth it to make sure your copy ticks the right boxes as far as your audience is concerned.

The best way to fully understand your audience is to come up with a strategy. Have a look at your competitors and see how they are winning over their audience. Do online and email surveys to see what is currently on your audience’s mind. Use tools like Google Analytics to find out what your audience is interested in. Only when you have plenty of detailed information should you pool it all together and come up with a plan to win your audience over with some terrific copy.

The Header

This is where your landing page starts. It’s the very first thing your audience will see when they click on the link through to your site, so you have to make it eye-catching. Not only that, but you have to get across quite a lot of information within ideally no more than one sentence.

In the header, the audience must know who you are, what you do, and what you want them to do. Marketers will be very quick to also tell you that your header should be at the top left-hand side of the page, as that is where the eye is most likely to go at first glance.

Generally speaking, if you are running a business, a promise that you will save the audience a lot of money is a good starting point with a header. If you tell them that they can save money with your product or service then they will be more likely to read on. Also, make sure that what your business does is abundantly clear, otherwise, your audience will just turn away in confusion. Keep it sharp, short, and sweet and then your audience will want to keep reading.

The Summary

The summary is essentially where you expand on what you said in the header. This is your opportunity to introduce your audience to your company and tell them exactly who you are and what you do. You can go into a little more detail, but make sure that you don’t bore them. Remember that you are still trying to win them over, so this information you give them should be appealing and intriguing.

Normally the summary should be two or three lines long, but you can push that to four if you want. You should make four lines your strict limit as you don’t want to lose your audience’s attention. Make it clear that you have something that they need, and you are the best person in the world to provide it.

At the end of the summary, let your audience know what you are expecting them to do. If you do it now, they will know exactly what you need from them before you go on to your convincing pitch to try and win them over completely. When you bring your summary together, make sure you read through it a few times to make sure that it is short and catchy.

The Convincing Sales Pitch

If your audience has read this far, then you have done very well and you are very close to converting them into potential leads. What you need to do now is to talk about what a great service you provide, and why you are so much better than your competitors.

For really good results, you could make this section a bullet point list that lays out exactly why you are the best of the best. Using around four or five points, you should lead your audience’s eye down the page with very appealing prospects, until they reach the point where you can complete your audience’s conversion into leads with the call to action.

Call To Action

This is where your landing page draws to a close, and where you give your audience that final hook to stick with you and use your services. It doesn’t need to be very long, it just needs to be short and snappy. ‘Save money now’ is a good example. There is no need to use very much copy for this section, as your audience will probably have made up their mind already about if they want to become a potential customer. The call to action does however present an opportunity to mention your big selling point one last time. In most cases, it is the same selling point that you used in your headline.

Ultimately, crafting a good landing page comes with practice. If you are able to write several of them for different social media and video campaigns, you will be able to compare results and see which copy is creating the best results. Figure out through trial and error what works best for your website, and see if you are successfully managing to win over your audience.

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