
Last Updated

Create a Facebook Offer to Drive Sales

Last Updated

A brand new feature that will bring lots of people to your business according to Facebook! How it works is really simple, you create a great offer like 50% off your service or product. The offer is then posted to the news feeds of your current followers and encourages them to publicly claim the offer and share it with their friends.

The offer is then shown on the news feeds of friends of your followers who can also claim the offer. This is a free way to generate traffic to your Facebook page and increase your likes.

So how does it work and where to get started?

To get started is easy just follow this link: http://on.fb.me/14cGoMq and down the bottom of the page, you have a link to click to create an offer. Follow the onscreen prompts to create your offer.

We have tested this offer tool with some of our current clients with great success, we did find it worked most effectively when you paid a small amount to promote your offer (which means friends of friends will automatically see it too) but as with everything its important to get in early before everyone begins doing it because at that stage people will get fed up of special offers.

We also found a minimum of 50% off was needed to get a decent response. Products also seemed to perform better than services.

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