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The Best Free Online Website Graders

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When it comes to keeping track of all the elements of your website or blog, whether it be the content or the marketing, it can prove to be quite difficult. Sometimes it can also be difficult to know exactly what you are looking for when you are reviewing your site.

While it is a good idea to do these kinds of checks yourself, it can also be helpful to use some kind of online tool in order to back yourself up. Here we will take a look at the best online website graders that you can use absolutely free simply by entering your site’s URL. We will look at what makes these graders so effective, and how you can use them to benefit your site.

Hubspot Marketing Grader

Sometimes it can be difficult to tell how effective your marketing campaigns are proving to be. If you are not getting many responses, you could still be getting a lot of traffic from people clicking links or reading your messages. Hubspot has a very helpful online tool that only requires your website’s blog or URL address along with your email address.

Once you have entered your information, you will be given a detailed checklist of what is right and wrong about the SEO on your site, your social media accounts, and many more. One very useful aspect of this tool is that it can tell you how often social media is linking to pages on your site that have a form, or in other words a landing page. Seeing as landing pages are the most likely to generate leads, this is a great way of figuring out how many potential leads you are gathering through your social media interactions.


Nibbler is a very helpful online tool if you are looking for something that will give you a brief assessment of your entire website or blog. It will let you know how accessible it is if it provides an enjoyable experience and if it is well designed. It is essentially a very good way to perform a quick check to see if you have all the important bases covered.

One of the great features of Nibbler though is its word cloud feature, which shows you which words you are using the most often in content headings. This way you can see which words you are not using often enough, or words that you are using too often.


Woorank offers a wide-ranging service just like Nibbler, but Woorank does offer a little more detail in certain areas. Woorank provides you with a score and checklist that covers your entire website, from the traffic generated to search engine optimization. The latter area is something that Woorank excels in, as they provide you with a detailed checklist of the keywords you are using. This allows you to see if the keywords are being placed in the right places and at the right frequency. It is a really great way of getting a quick idea of how well you are using keywords on your site, and if you need to go back and make changes.

Quick Sprout Web Analyser

While Quick Sprout is based known for their very helpful blog about web content and social media, they also have an online tool that can be very helpful. It not only shows you all the details you need to make sure that you have everything covered on your site, but it also gives you the opportunity to compare your scores to that of your competitors.

You can also break all the results down into fine details so then you can see exactly where you are beating or falling behind your competitors. This is a great tool that gives you the chance to priorities any changes you want to make to your site or your social media plan.

W3C Validator

While you have been running checks using the other free website graders on this list, code errors may be something that has come up often. If that is the case, then the W3C Validator will be a great online tool. Instead of just suggesting that you fix the code for your web page, it also provides you with the fix straight away.

Of course, this is not the only thing that W3C provides you with. It also goes into detail about how many aspects such as

headings you might need. This is what makes this a really good tool when you want to analyze the deep design aspects of your site.

Shopify E-Commerce Grader

If you have an online shop, then Shopify is certainly one of the main online website graders you should be using. It can give you all the details you need about the SEO optimization of your store, along with details about how user-friendly it is. One of the key features that come with this particular website grader is the feature that finds shipping information and contact details. Shopify believes that having free delivery on your site is a great way of increasing traffic, along with having a phone number on every web page. This is something this tool looks for every time it analyses a site.

Clarity Grader

Out of all of the website graders we have looked at, this is the only one that actually analyses the strength of your written content. It will look deep down into the kind of language and words you use so then it can tell you how effective your content is. It can even tell you if you are using cliches too often, along with terms that could be considered jargon. This is a great way of finding out if your new or current content is considered fresh, original, and without any unnecessary fluff.

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