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No Marketing, No Problem: How To Increase Website Traffic Without Marketing

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Marketing can be quite a tricky thing for many people and is something that only a certain kind of mind can really master. Even if you are good at writing effective online content, you could still feel like you don’t quite make the cut when it comes to creating marketing content.

Marketing is often considered the only way of getting more traffic to flock to your website. But in actual fact, marketing does not have to be the only thing that matters. If you wanted, you could make your website more popular without having to deal with marketing at all.

Here we will take a look at how you can make your website more popular without having to deal with any marketing. We will also show you how you can follow this method so then your website starts improving its traffic numbers straight away.

Find Your Long Tail SEO Keywords

The first thing you need to do is take a look at all of the keywords that you use for your SEO optimization. Once you have them all, you will need to find the ones that are considered long-tail SEO keywords. This essentially means that they are two or more words long. For example, “credit” is a normal keyword while “credit card” and “credit card payments” are long-tail keywords. The reason you need to find them is that they are much less competitive than other keywords, so if you are able to include the right ones in your web content, you will be able to move up higher in search engine rankings.

Rank Your Long Tail SEO Keywords

Once you have all of your long-tail keywords, you need to figure out their rank so then you can see how effective they are. In order to do this, you will need to use Google Webmaster Tools. When you log into them, you can head over to the search traffic section and look at the search queries. There you will be able to see all of the keywords that are considered to be the most effective at leading search engine traffic to your website.

When you are looking through your results, look at the keywords near the top of the list. Make a note of all of the keywords that are two or more words long. These words are going to help you find other long-tail SEO keyword possibilities so then you can tap into specific search engine results.

Put Your Keywords Into Google

Once you have all of your long-tail keywords, you need to start searching for them with Google. The objective here is not to see what the results are, but rather to see what the related searches are. These are found at the bottom of the page and these results will usually be just one or two words longer than what you have typed in. Make a note of these results, as these will be your new long-tail keywords.

The thing you must remember though about long-tail keywords is that they should not be considered a replacement for your original keywords. They are still very important and indeed are what help to define your website and the kind of search engine results it appears in. Long-tail keywords are designed to complement the main keywords and bring in additional traffic.

Add Your New Long Tail Keywords To Your Content

Now you know what the related search queries are, you can start adding them naturally to your current content. Just make a few edits here and there so then your new long-tail keywords start appearing in all of your current content. You then need to make sure that you keep using them in your new content as well, otherwise, they will not quite have the desired effect. It shouldn’t take long for you to see an improvement in your traffic after this, along with an increase in activity from your long-tail keywords.

How Effective Is This Method?

Obviously, success can’t be guaranteed, but this method of improving internet traffic is still considered effective despite the updates that Google makes to its SEO policy. Adding long-tail keywords is a great way of broadening the number of results your website appears in. It also helps with your search engine ranking as well, as long-tail keywords are a lot less competitive than regular keywords. This is how your website can appear higher in search results and receive more online traffic without any marketing taking place.


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