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Why Your Website Is Failing To Get Leads

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You may feel like you have done everything right with your website, but you still could be coming up blank when you want to attract big leads. Sometimes it can be a little confusing as to why this happening, but there is often a simple explanation. Somewhere along the way, something has gone wrong with either the content or the layout of your website and it’s something that needs to be put right. If you don’t then your site could end up delivering nothing at all for you.

Luckily, there are certain things you can address in order to solve the problem. Here we will take a look at the different areas of your site you can examine to ensure that your site is able to start picking up big leads as soon as possible.

Treat Your Site Like A Sales Pitch

It seems rather strange considering how much the marketing industry has moved forward, but there are still many companies that are spending lots of money in developing print and television advertisements and then spending next to nothing on a website. As the saying goes, you have to spend money to make money and that’s certainly the case when it comes to websites. They need to be treated like the most important sales pitch that the business is making and they need to make themselves look impressive to potential leads.

The reason for this is quite simple. More and more people are using the internet now on computers or mobile devices and even less are reading print publications and watching television adverts. It’s only really through your online presence that you will be truly able to reach your potential leads and attract them to your business and what it has to offer them.

Write A Good Call To Action

This is a stumbling block for many websites but they quite often don’t know it. Many site owners think they have a great call to action and that their lead problems must be coming from elsewhere. A good call to action should dictate how your business relates to the people online. In other words, it should set the tone for the entire relationship. This is why it needs to be clear and it needs to make an effort if it is to convert those visitors into potential leads.

Manage Your Online Reputation

Your online reputation is one of the most aspects of delivering a high number of leads. If people see online that you are popular among your clients and you have received good feedback then you are more likely to turn those people who visit your site into leads. Having said that, simply having good feedback somewhere online isn’t really good enough. This is why you need to manage and shape your reputation.

Try setting up a Google Alert so then you can keep track of every time your business is mentioned. Find those places where you have seen positive feedback and share them through social media or on a testimonials page on your site. You can even have feedback on every page of your site as long as it doesn’t take up too much space. If you take a hands-on approach to your online reputation, then you will be able to use it to your advantage.

Keep The Content Original And Fresh

This is a very important part of running a website in general, but it’s something that many sites struggle with. Sometimes ideas for fresh content do not come easily if you are in a particular industry, but there is a good way around that. Set up a blog and either get someone on your staff or hire someone who can write one or two pieces of content a week.

Blogs can be very effective at improving search engine ranking, which will naturally bring in more visitors and increase the number of potential leads. Try and include links to different areas of the site in blog posts to encourage people to browse your site. Use your blog as a means of showing that you are here to help people and that you have their best interests at heart.

Regularly Update Social Media

Many people who run websites say they simply do not have the time to stay on top of their social media presence as well as manage the site. Simply put, they should either find the time or hire someone to do the social media work for them. A good social media presence is becoming more and more important for generating leads and for many sites it is now their main source of internet traffic.

Social media can do so much more than simply sharing updates. It is a platform to connect with potential clients and communicate with them in a manner that isn’t possible through any other channel. If you communicate with people and show them that you are interested in what they have to say, then they are more likely to visit your site and become a potential lead in the process.

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